In this brief Q&A, vacant property expert Shaylesh Patel talks us through business rates, shedding light on what they are, who uses them, and the silver linings they offer for both landlords and the local community.
How do you know if a new enterprise will be worth its investment? In this Q&A, placemaking expert Sandra Perez sets out the fundamentals of putting together a business case to deliver welcoming and viable projects on our high streets.
What exactly is a property developer and how can they add value to our high streets? In this short Q&A, property development expert Adewole Ademolake explains.
What is a Community Land Trust, and how can this type of organisation help revitalise high street property? Community-led housing expert Levent Kerimol explains.
Did you ever wonder who owns the high street, and how high street shops get bought and sold? In this quick Q&A, property expert Andrea Carpenter sheds light on the matter.