“My High Street” on Property X-Change is an open call to all high street champions with experiences, perspectives, and joyful stories to share. The exchange takes the format of a social media campaign, calling for short videos, descriptive images, sentiments, and essays from one and all.

My High Street campaigns are about experiences, perspectives, and joy. If you are interested in engaging with our call for content, our selection criteria are here to help you decide:

  1. Are you a local high street champion with experiences on high street regeneration and development to share with the Property X-Change network?
  2. Do you have a great response to the current open call on our social media channels?

If that all sounds good to you, then please go ahead and tag us on social media or get in touch with our team directly.

You are also always welcome to share these calls with fellow high street champions.

If in doubt, you may consider other formats for shaping an exchange or get in touch for further advice.

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